Designing Nonprofit Systems to Build Community Power
V. Identifying Your Champions

One we defined Makoce’s key messages (through the process in Step 4), now it was time to start sharing their story with prospective supporters. Makoce had great relationships with diverse partners from founder Nick’s work over the years–and we wanted to build on those as a foundation for Makoce’s fundraising plan. Leaning into your relationships is always the place to start. We brainstormed together to develop a list of potential funders, and supported Nick in making decisions around when and how to reach out to each one.

For new organizations, making the initial ‘ask’ can be intimidating. That’s why we focus on coaching organizational leaders through the process: on how to comprehensively research your prospects, on identifying funders that align with your work and approach, and on how to connect with funders while staying firmly grounded in your mission and vision.

We also encourage our clients to just take a breath–and boldly ask. Waiting too long to make an ask drains your energy and time. Make your best pitch, articulate your mission and story, and ask for what you need. Before hearing any yeses, Makoce certainly heard a number of nos along the way. It’s simply part of the process. Don’t be defeated by being turned down–or scale back your vision because you didn’t get to yes. Stay grounded in your vision, and it will draw out supporters who truly align with your organization.

Ready to identify your champions?

With your mission and strategic goals clear and a compelling story to engage your key audiences, the next step is all about identifying your organization’s champions–the donors, followers, or connectors who will support and promote your work. The goal is to cast a wide net first, and then begin to develop strategic categories of potential supporters with the capacity and commitment to help you drive toward your mission.